Saturday, December 24, 2011

Follow me around on Christmas Eve

Hello Everyone,

I have always wonder what people are doing on Christmas Eve besides shopping or cooking.... Normally my family will celebrate Christmas the day before, but this year we will be celebrating on Monday because that is when everyone is available. So today, I decide to share with you what I did. Nothing interesting so don't get too excited.

This morning at the peak of dawn I felt something wet on my face and I opened my eyes, there sits Mochi with her nose all up in my face. I continue to ignore her, but she keeps jumping around on my bed. After 30 minutes she fell back to sleep and I did too. The next thing I know it is 11am. Time to wake up... too bad for wanting to sleep in longer....

First thing in the morning I always drink a cup of tea. I got my Snowman cup from Pier One. It makes it so much fun to drink out of.

I baked some Christmas sugar cookies last night....

and will be having some with my tea this morning. Nice and crispy on the outside, soft and chewy on the inside. Yummy!

After my unhealthy breakfast, I take two adult vitamin gummies. Hahaha. I won't go into this much detail, but I thought it will be funny to show a picture of the bottle. But seriously, I do take this every day.

Then it's time to put on some makeup.

Since I have so much time today, I decide to clean my room and my shoe closet.  In one corner of my room, I have most of my nail polish and perfumes sitting on top of a drawer. You wouldn't believe how dusty it was. I am glad I took the time to wipe the dust off and clean it up a bit.
Now it looks beautiful again.....

Yes, there is a lot of perfumes that I have collected over the years that I love. There are just too many to list. 

I also save a lot of the samples that I get on the side.

After cleaning my shoe closet, Oly Cow!!! I came up with a large bag full of shoes....... I feel like Ms. Santa Claus. Size 6 anyone? Salvation Army here we come.

Like I said, this is a follow me around... so I did go to the bank before I dropped off this big bag of shoes at the Salvation Army.

I am sure Salvation Army was very glad to see me.

The person that was there told me they don't close until 6pm today so I told him I will be coming back with another bag. Before I went back home, I drove to Ulta because it is their last day for the 20% discount. I didn't buy much but somehow I spent $40.... Yikes....

I was so hungry after all the cleaning and lifting so I decided to go to Ranch 99 to buy some items for tomorrow's dinner and also to get some dim sum to-go.

My favorite... shrimp dumplings and shu mai!!!

I went back home to eat and catch some football while cleaning out one of my closet. It was a great game. Go Niners!

Another large bag of clothes (a stuff animal that Mochi doesn't like to play with) to donate and I also donated my stereo system that I haven't used in years.

 Now, I just want to light my candles... pumpkin spice and a Halloween candle

Drink my sleepytime herbal tea (it doesn't make me sleepy, but just makes me feel more relaxed)

Put on my onesie that I got from a white elephant. I think these are sexy... I don't think my bf thinks the same.

Watch all of my favorite Christmas movies from Netflix: My bf introduce me to It's a Wonderful Life and now it is one of my favorite movies to watch. It's just one of those movies that makes you feel good and appreciate what you have.

And just have a quiet night with Mochi.

What did y'all do today?
Merry Christmas! Cheers!

<3 <3 <3

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