Monday, January 17, 2011

Drugstore Haul

Hi Everyone,

It seems like I haven't posted a blog in a while..... been busy lately and going through some emotional things.... so I haven't been able to sleep too well. In the morning I will wake up with some dark circles and puffiness under my eyes. It was Sunday and I love getting the Sunday newspapers because of the coupons. Yes, I do clip out coupons and use them when I go to the drugstores to buy any makeup products. Hey, every dollar counts these days so look out for those savings. I learned this from my mom..... when I was little I would help her look through these coupons to see what we need. If I find anything that I like that has a saving of $1.50 or more she would tell me to hold onto it until we get to the store. I appreciate the values that she instill in me even if it's only $0.50-$1.50 savings it still adds up. Why do I get off topic.... again??

Anyways, so as I was looking through the coupons I saw one for Garnier Anti-Puff Eye Roller. It's like someone from up above is trying to tell me something..... whoever it is can read my mind. Do other people ever get that? or Am I just going psycho? Well, it was a saving of $1.00 woohoo! I quickly ripped it out and I also ripped out another saving of $1.00 for maybelline mascara. Drugstore shopping is exciting.... not everything needs to be from Sephora (but, hey I like that store too since I am a VIB member). 

At Walgreens, I picked up 4 drugstore items. I went in there thinking I am just going to get two items and I came out with four items..... this always happen to me..... I need to stop these urges.... they can be dangerous. The first thing I got is the Garnier Skin Renew Anti-Puff Eye Roller. I heard a lot of people raving about this product and how effective it was. How does a person get puffiness under the eye? It is said that during your sleep, circulation slows down and causes fluid to collect in your lower eye area. By using this product it "gently stimulate micro-circulation around the skin's delicate eye area to decongest excess fluid for diminished dark circles and puffiness." Most people claim that they see results within one week.... it's been only one day for me and I don't feel anything yet. We will see how good this is.

Walgreens is having a sale on this product.
Original price $12.99. Sale: $9.99 + $1.00 off coupon= $8.00

Of course next to it is another roller called Garnier Skin Renew Anti-Dark Circle Roller. This is a 2-in-1 solution that helps reduce dark circles and has an added blendable coverage. There is a bit of a tint and it matched my skin tone so I said why not give it a try. I think it only comes in one color so I don't know if everyone can use it..... maybe just for someone who has light skin with a yellow undertone.
I have used this product for two days and I like it. The negative thing about this is that it is very liquidy... I don't know if this is a word... but you know what I mean. When I opened the package there were some products that leaked onto the cap.... which means more solutions are spilling out of the rollerball than needed.

Overall, I would recommend this product. I used this on my under eye before I apply my concealer.

 This is what I meant by it leaking.... I feel like it can be a waste of the product.
Both of these products contain caffeine that helps brighten up your eyes.

The other products that I bought are the Maybelline Volum' Express. I have used the Colossal one before and I do like it... it's more to thicken your lashes. Since Walgreens is having a buy one get one 50% off plus my coupon I decided to get the Falsies also. This one claims to have a false lash effect which I am dying to try. I am planning to use both at the same time to see if they give my lashes more volume. For lash extensions, I like L'Oreal Clean Definition Telescopic.... it seems to work for my stubborn Asian lashes. 

 The spoon brushes are different for both of these mascaras which gives it a different effect.

Ok, well these are my latest drugstore finds. Still testing them out to see if I would re-purchase them again.

<3 <3 <3

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